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Time, Talent and Teams

Boost the effectiveness of your consulting and manpower services operation and prevent value drain

SoW, Time and Resource Billing

SoW Management

Monitor and oversee SoW with complete 360-degree visibility, determining resource requirements by role, setting timesheet approval criteria and billing rates.

SoW Management

Streamline the scheduling of resources in the SoW or project, allocate them for future roles, and monitor gaps in resource allocation within the SoW.

Resource Scheduling

The timesheet revolution, guided by AI, promises to eradicate errors, automate resource time allocation, and completely transform the approval process.

Transform Timesheet

Inefficiencies within resource time billing are the primary source of value leakage, T3 is offering an integrated approach with automated bill generation

Automate Time Billing

Key Features

Employees on the bench are your biggest controllable value loss. T3 is here to optimize and boost RoI

In consulting operations, unproductive workforce and billing errors pose significant risk, leading to financial leakage. T3 offers comprehensive visibility, enabling organizations to optimize billable workforce and prevent billing inaccuracies, ensuring efficient and cost-effective operations

Resource Time Billing

Enhance Statement of Work efficiency, allocate resources optimally, and monitor value realization

Why T3?

Improve ROI by Optimizing employees on the bench

Optimizing bench employees for improved productivity, efficiency and returns on workforce investments

Prevent value loss caused by billing inefficiencies

Safeguard against value erosion caused by inefficiencies in employee time billing process

Predictive bench visibility to improve revenue

Utilize predictive bench visibility to enhance resource deployment efficiency and drive increased value generation

Collect clocking data for efficient billing

With T3, clocking data effortlessly syncs with timesheets through automated pulling and pushing

Control time theft by robotic timesheet generation

Enhance employee time reporting efficiency by implementing robotic timesheet generation

SOW Management

Transforming Timesheet Process with Generative AI

Revolutionize your approach to employee timesheet management with T3 Generative AI, eradicating inaccuracies stemming from traditional manual timesheet creation methods.

T3 facilitates seamless management of in-office, remote, and hybrid work culture

Manage Hybrid Work Culture with ease

Timesheets are auto-generated, allowing employees to modify and submit them as needed

Generating Timesheets Intelligently

Efficiently manage timesheet generation for regular and part-time staff members

Supports Regular & Part Time Worker Schedule

Timesheets are automatically build based on the employee's current project assignments

Fully Automated TIme Allocation Process

Enabling flexibility in allocating employee time to different projects and securing multiple approvals

Split Time and get Multiple Approvals

Delivering multiple insights to optimize bench utilization and maximize ROI

Power Insights that include Resource ROI

Optimizing the time invested by employees and managers in creating and approving timesheets

Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Time

Employees are granted the flexibility to retract, amend, and resubmit their timesheets until approved

Full Flexibility to the Employees
Timesheet Generation

Maximizing Productivity by optimizing the time invested by employees, managers, and clients in creating and approving timesheets

Transforming Timesheet Administration and Approval Process 

Automate Timesheet Approval Process

Our clients say "T3 is resolving the most complex industry challenges with exceptional intelligence"

Please take a moment to fill out our inquiry form so we can contact you and arrange a demo

T3 for Manpower Services
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